The North West Team of 10 departmental officials from Corporate and Districts were deployed to monitor compliance in terms of the National Presidential Youth Employment Initiative Framework in 45 schools across Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District.
The Provincial Team started the monitoring process on 29 January 2024 and completed its work on the 31st of January 2024. The monitoring process was scheduled to check, amongst others, the proper filing system and the entire management of the PYEI program in schools as well as performance appraisal of the PYEI beneficiaries which are the EAs and GAs.
The team also focused on the running of the financial allocations that were made by the department to respective schools within the district and the attendance registers that served as evidence for regular attendance/working before the PYEI employees could even be paid on a monthly basis. That team of men and women was also tasked with the responsibility to expose schools to the audit processes to ensure compliance and upgrading of their administration key performance areas.
Some of the findings during the monitoring process were that some schools are still lacking in terms of proper day to day management of the school and filing processes as well as being conversant with the implementation of the Framework. Meanwhile, in other schools, the payments of stipend to the beneficiaries were not done in line with the Framework Guidelines, and that resulted in some over and underpayment to the employed youths. The allocation of funds to schools in some instances caused an unintended surplus because some schools couldn’t completely comply with the allocation mandate in terms of the agreed upon number of candidates per school.
Reabetswe Secondary School in Mamusa, Mampho Secondary and Monnaaphang Sebogodi Primary are some of the examples of the low rated schools at Dr RSM in terms of performance and compliance.
The monitoring team is happy to announce that the majority of the schools at Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati are a good example of impressive performance when it comes to school management proper record keeping and extesive knowledge on Framework Implementation Guidelines.
“Those schools need to be applauded and be used as a benchmarking to improve other schools in the province” said the Provincial PYEI Coordinator, Dr Carol Letshabo. The names of the complying schools are Stellaland Primary School, Christiana School for the Blind, Kamogelo Primary Dryharts Primary Sekate Boijane, etc.
However,.there is a departmental management recovery plan in place to address the issue of allocated budget surplus detected in all schools across the province.
The task team is expected to continue with the provincial monitoring process of schools at Dr Kenneth Kanda, next week effective from the 06th until the 08th February 2024 and will thereafter move to Bojanala for a period of 5 working days to wrap up the provincial monitoring of the Framework implementation process.