With the final papers being written on Wednesday, November 28th, it’s officially pens down for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) candidates throughout the country.
For all 40 222 candidates in the North West, examination period proceeded well with no major irregularities reported.
The last two papers for today were Agricultural Management Practices and Design. Both papers were written at 09:00 and 14:00 respectively.
NSC examinations started on 23 October 2018 and the department monitored the examination in all centres in the province. In areas where civil protests occurred, the department moderated the situation by moving candidates to less risky examinations centres with on-going monitoring by the department’s senior management.
MEC Sello Lehari extends his heartfelt appreciation to the School Governing Bodies (SGBs), principals and educators for their proactive role in ensuring that all learners were given an opportunity to write. Markers training will take place on 02 December from 14:00 to 3 December 20:00 while the actual marking will take place from 4 – 14 December at 16 identified marking venues in the province.
Results are scheduled to be announced on 04 January 2019 at Mogogelo Community Hall in Moretele sub- district.