As schools reopen from first quarter recess, MEC Mmaphefo Matsemela paid a visit to schools in the Moses Kotane local municipality on Tuesday, 05 April 2022 and is concerned by the number of small schools in the area.
In her monitoring of schools around Magong village, Matsemela noted 11 schools in the nearby area that have less than 100 learners per school.
Matsemela suggests consultation talks to be held with parents and SGB members about these schools as keeping them could hamper the provision of quality education.
“It is time we engage in all accord with parents and SGB members in the province.
“We cannot continue with schools that have less than 100 learners. In cases like these, education of our learners is compromised as we can’t have teachers teaching in multiple streams of subjects as other schools with higher enrolment.
“Just last year one school in Magong had eight learners in Grade 12 and only six passed. When a school has higher enrolment, schools can afford learners with subject options towards their careers of choice”, expressed Matsemela.
Matsemela further indicated that, her visit to Moses Kotane Local Municipality area has allowed her a chance to monitor the state of infrastructure personally in schools.
The North West Department of Education is generally satisfied about the first day of the reopening of schools within the province.
For more info please contact:
Elias Malindi
Education Spokesperson
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855