Theme: #Siyaphasa Noma Kanjani

Bodibe Circuit in Ngaka Modiri Molema District, Ditsobotla Local Education Office held the Grade 12 Awards ceremony and pledge signing on the 16th October 2024 at Bodibe Secondary School. In attendance, it was the Ditsobotla LEO Officials, Principals, Grade 12 educators.
The Grade 12 learners in attendance were from Bodibe, Kopanelo, Tau Rapulana, and A.G Malebe Secondary.

In the opening prayer. Bishop Mosadi shared an inspiring scripture from Proverbs 4:13. English version ” Hold on to instruction, do not let it go, guard it well, for it is your life. Tswana version “Kgomarela Thuto, o seke wa e lesa, e boloke, gonne ke yone bophelo jwa gago”.

The circuit manager, Ms N. Radebe outlined the purpose of the day and indicated that the reason for holding the ceremony is because of the mandate from the MEC Ms Viola Motsumi who has set a target of 90% for 2024 NSC Results and for the North West Province to work towards position 3 nationally. The vision of the department is for an African child to get quality education so as to enable them to be independent and self-sufficient.

Mr Moseki the principal of Tsholofelo Primary School motivated the learners and wished them all the best in upcoming examinations. He requested learners to maintain the discipline, remain focused. He further encouraged learners who will not be receiving awards to remain positive and push hard. The circuit is hopeful that they will at least be in the top 5 of the best performing circuit when names are called in 2025.

Mrs N.A. Molefe led learners with the pledge signing, which was followed by awarding the top achievers.

Author: tkhechane