Ratlou: Sod-turning at Batho-Batho Primary School (Mareetsane Village)

Batho-Batho Primary currently has mobile classrooms structures which will be improved by a modern design boasting 16 brand new classrooms, Grade R block…

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NW Education Delivers Assistive Devices And Receives School Renovations

The Department handed over four specialized seating and communication devices valued at R95 000 to Oratile Semunza Disability Centre in Makhubung…

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The North West Department of Education was counted amongst the best performers after obtaining the second position in the National South African Sports Association for…

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Bus Accident Involving NW Learners returning from Secondary School Athletics Event held in Western Cape

There has been no fatalities reported at this stage. However, two teachers and the driver have been transferred to Kimberly for X-ray examinations as a precautionary measure…

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Four Schools in Pudumong Receive School Bicycles During The Thuntsa Lerole Accelerated Service Delivery Program

The Department of Education in the North West Province is delighted to announce that it has been selected as a beneficiary of 351 school bicycles…

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MEC Motsumi for Education – SOD turning for a New Primary School in Ipelegeng Township, Schweizer-Reneke

MEC for Education in the North West Province, Viola Mostumi, leads the sod-turning ceremony and officially hand over a significant project management responsibility for the…

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Acting Premier Nono Maloyi officially opens state of the art Saruchera Primary school

Today marks a significant milestone for the North West province at the inauguration of the state-of-the-art Saruchera Primary School in Huhudi, Vryburg. Acting Premier Dumile…

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North West Education Hosts Provincial Schools Athletics Championships

The North West Department of Education will be hosting a three-day School Enrichment’s annual provincial schools’ athletics championships that will be held as follows: Day…

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North West Department of Education extends well wishes to Zeerust Combined School learners injured in an accident

The Department of Education in the North West Province is saddened to learn of a head-on collision between a public taxi and car accident that…

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MEC Motsumi opens District School Safety Summit in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District

The North West MEC for Education, Ms. Viola Motsumi, today officially opened the District School Safety Summit at Milner Technical High School in the Dr…

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