Please note that the following bids have been cancelled, due to lapsed validity period as a result will be re-advertised:-
Edu 21/21 NW The Completion of Onkgopotse Tiro Combined School (Girls) in Mahikeng;
Edu 22/21 NW Renovation, Construction and Demolishing of Asbestos at Moedvil Combined School in Bojanala District (9GB);
Edu 23/21 NW Completion of Outstanding Works for Schweizer Reneke Primary in Ngaka Modiri Molema (7GB);
Edu 24/21 NW Completion of Trotsville Primary School in Dr Kennth Kaunda District (5GB); and
Edu 32/21 NW Appointment of a Service Provider for the Refurbishment and Upgrading of Nietverdient Combined School Hostels for a Period of 15 Months (7 GB).