SSE & SIP (Whole School Evaluation)

School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a road map that sets out the change a school needs to make to improve the level of learner achievement and to show how and when these changes will be addressed. Activities in the SIP should be implemented from January to December. Schools should report on progress made in the implementation of activities in the SIP at the end of every quarter. SIP Overview | Rise 360

School Self Evaluation (SSE) is a reflective process whereby a school can look critically at itself to improve further the Quality of its provision and its performance on 9 Areas for Evaluation. It empowers a school community to identify and affirm good practices and to identify areas for improvement. A school should identify and establish a team/s that will drive and lead the SSE and School Improvement Plan (SIP) process. The school community (SMT, teachers, SGB, Parents, learners) undertakes SSE. SSE Overview | Rise 360

Author: tkhechane